Don’t let them use the “BAG” to control you!

Say what you want but it is what it is. Not only do they tell us what we can and cannot say. They also tell us what we can research, learn, think and do. On top of that they use some of our own people to keep us in check. In their eyes they will do whatever to keep us in check and break us into submission. Sounds a whole lot like the plantations in North America. 

We are surrounded by a bunch of Stephens for “Django Unchained”.

Those folk are more loyal to those other so-called people than they are to their own people. We are surrounded by weak ass, gutless, sellouts who will do anything to protect their masters feelings and the bag their masters give them. Whereas other groups will stand firm and defend and protect their own. 

As much as the world uses us, makes billions of dollars off of our culture and contributions we are in their eyes a joke.

They know exactly what to do to make us fold. You cannot solely blame Kyrie for caving in. The collective, for the most part, folded before he was forced to. His own turned on him, and as usual sided with their masters. 

If we don’t by now understand the need for separation so we can heal first and thrive together I don’t know when we will.

Some of y’all are waiting for a sign. Others are waiting for their god to tell them. Still others are waiting to get their permission slip signed by their master in order to separate. We must once and for all do for ourselves by ourselves.

We must have our own

We MUST have our own and do for ourselves PERIOD. Folk get all excited when their enterprises come to our spaces. Too many of us act like “we’ve made it or arrived when we see their enterprises come to Africa.” Don’t you see how many none African establishments treat some of you and pay you? A devil is a devil and will do devilish things. If you don’t get this by now I don’t know what it will take for you to get it. As long as we have to depend upon them for ANYTHING expect at anytime to get this type of treatment or worse. History has proven this over and over again. 

They come with nice, pretty and amazing promises over and OVER again and some of our continue people fall for it hook, line and sinker.

It’s because, for one we don’t value ourselves, each other and what we have. It’s been instilled in us in so many levels that white ice is colder and better than black ice. We want to run to their businesses, schools, buy their products, use their professional services only to get mistreated, miseducated, ripped off and brainwashed. 

To my continental African family, wake up and listen.

We who have returned know them, their behaviors, traits and practices better than anyone. When we tell you certain things, it’s from the space of first hand knowledge and experiences most of time. We are waking up from the “spell” they exposes upon us that instructed us to love our enemies and slaves obey your earthly masters in everything with respect and fear. Those days are OVER for us. 

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