Controlled by Manipulation

A lot of our people don’t realize just how much they’ve been conditioned by fear and manipulative tactics by our enemies. ”Buck Breaking” tactics manifested in assassinations, physically, socially, spiritually, educationally, politically, and economically perpetuated against many from our community is the biggest fear tactic used to keep our people in check.  It’s to the point where many of us will side with our enemies against our own people because their minds have been traumatized and transformed into cowardice spineless people who won’t stand up for their own out of fear of losing STUFF and STATUS. They call many of us “too black” and don’t want to be labeled that way by our enemies, which in their eyes is dangerous. 

Too often many of us say things that are as insensitive and ignorant as other groups who dislike us for whatever reason.

You often hear statements like this from many of our people when a senseless murder is perpetuated against us by the police, “well he was a thug” “he was a drug head and was high” “he should have just complied and been obedient” “he must have been doing something wrong in the first place”. Sounds like the statements from other communities. 

We have to have a CODE we operate from.

After all everyone does or at least, in my opinion, seems to operate from. This code needs to address how we operate as a unit with each other and with those from the outside. It should address behaviors, expectations, and how they holistically benefit those who adhere to it and ramifications for those who violate that code. It should also address how we interact with those outside of our community.

Things have to change and change NOW.

No one is coming to save us, coming back to save us, cracking the sky to save us, whispering in a still small voice to save us whether they are black or white. We are our own solution and we must save ourselves. Only a people who don’t see the value in themselves who are still mentally enslaved are sitting around waiting for someone else to lift them up and free them or waiting for a specific date and time instead of getting up themselves and taking it. 

Many of us claim to know who they are and identify as this or that respectfully but are as stagnant as a dead pond.

They, for some distorted reason, believe their sudo knowledge, talking points, is more than enough. Our awakening cannot be faddish. It has to be something that warrants respect and exemplifies dignity and pride. It’s more than wearing cultural clothing, adorning one’s self with cultural jewelry, and attending certain kinds of rites or spiritual or religious services.

Personal growth should manifest in enough self knowledge to prevent you from being manipulated by anyone.

This assurance should be the foundation to your existence. Anything that doesn’t support that journey towards enlightenment should be aborted at all cost and aborted as soon as possible. To let it linger is as dangerous as being fully engulfed in manipulative tactics. It’s like someone who has a problem with alcohol saying they are that bad because they only get drunk on Fridays and Saturdays.

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